Intelligence Over Centuries

V. Balachandran was a high-level national intelligence collector, adjudicator, analyst, and policy adviser to the Government of India between 1976 and 1995.On retirement he undertook deep studies for 26 years on global systems of intelligence, its successes, and failures and how such agencies had helped or impaired the governance and the lives of citizens in various countries. Examined in this book are the history and working of the systems in India, Britain, United States, Canada, South Africa, and Israel as well as in former “hegemonic” systems like KGB-Stasi and KGB-China. Also discussed are specific subjects such as covert operations, intelligence liaison, major spies, and terrorism.

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Book Details

Weight 490 kg
Dimensions 15.24 × 22.86 × 1.91 cm





6.0 in x 9.0 in



About The Author

Vappala Balachandran

Vappala Balachandran

Vappala Balachandran, a former special secretary, Cabinet Secretariat, Government of India, had worked in Maharashtra Police for 17 years and 19 years in Cabinet Secretariat. In 1993 & 1994 he led the Indian interagency groups for annual dialogue with US agencies on terrorism. He was a member of the 2 man “High Level Committee” appointed by Government of Maharashtra to enquire into the police response on the Mumbai 26/11 terror attacks in 2008. He writes a regular column on internal security issues in Sunday Guardian, a New Delhi Sunday paper.

V. Balachandran was a high-level national intelligence collector, adjudicator, analyst, and policy adviser to the Government of India between 1976 and 1995.On retirement he undertook deep studies for 26 years on global systems of intelligence, its successes, and failures and how such agencies had helped or impaired the governance and the lives of citizens in various countries. Examined in this book are the history and working of the systems in India, Britain, United States, Canada, South Africa, and Israel as well as in former “hegemonic” systems like KGB-Stasi and KGB-China. Also discussed are specific subjects such as covert operations, intelligence liaison, major spies, and terrorism.

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1)The Indian Express

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2)The Statesman

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3)The week

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4)Free Press Journal

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5)The TribuneIndia

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6)Global Asia

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7)Global Asia

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