Ayurvediya Jeevanshaili: Arogyachi Gurukilli

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle with Ayurved.

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5.50 in x 8.50 in



About The Author

Vaidya Dilip Gadgil

Vaidya Dilip Gadgil

Dr. Dilip Gadgil has been practising Ayurveda since 1980 and working as Ayurvedic Consultant at Deenanath Mageshkar Hospital, Pune, and Institute of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Bangalore. His fields of specialization include Ayurveda and Sanskrit. He has carried out research in several areas of Ayurveda which contribute to diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as Cancer, Heart disease, and Chronic Renal Failure.
He has edited and authored several books on Ayurveda which include Ayurveda Samaj Gairsamaja, and Ayurvediya Hitopadesha. He has also written books on Sanskrit grammar titled Prarambhika Paniniyama and Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi. He is the recipient of The late Vaidya Shivnath Sharma award.

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